This site hosts discussions and articles on everything ped/bike. The committee will post information on bicycle safety, Safe Routes to School, Rules of the Road, pedestrian access for the disabled, public transportation, the future of pedestrians and bicycles in Coeur d'Alene, and upcoming issues. The site also has links to many sites related to ped/bike issues. Feel free to post comments, questions or suggestions about Coeur d'Alene's pedestrian and bicycle facilities here.
One of the busiest intersections in Austin, Texas, has gotten a makeover. White stripes adorn the barren pavement that once made pedestrians hesitant to cross, poles separate pedestrian space from the roadways, and stop signs now sit at every corner. Then there are all the polka dots, painted in green and baby blue.
They aren’t there just for decoration, says Anna Martin, traffic engineer for theAustin Transportation Department. The whimsical polka dots at the corner of East 6th and Waller Streets in East Austin are curb extensions, or “bulb outs,” designed to “give space back to the pedestrians.” Evenings and on weekends, the area, known for its walkability and bustling night life, is teeming with people.
Yet residents have complained that the intersection there is anything but friendly to pedestrians due to a lack of crosswalks ormeasures to slow down traffic. This specific intersection has seen dozens of crashes in 2015, according to local news channel KXAN.
(City of Austin)In response, the city council decided to install four-way stop signs and dedicate what Martin calls “wasted no-man’s land” to pedestrians. But instead of building out the curb with concrete, Martin says they opted for a low-cost option using what they already had handy. And instead of regular white paint, they took colorful inspiration from various parklet and pedestrian plaza projects in New York City and Los Angeles.
The blue and green dots Austin is using, she adds, clearly define the pedestrian space, and they stand out just enough to make drivers slow down without causing a distraction. The upgrades debuted Wednesday, and so far the feedback has been positive. “It's a testament to the character and energy of Austin,” says Marissa Monroy, public relations specialist for the city of Austin. “People are really excited to see a project that emphasizes safety but, at the same time, really shows that we like to have a little bit of fun.“
The City of Coeur d’Alene
is in the process of applying for Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grant funds
through the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation. The proposed
project is located at the City-owned East Tubbs Hill Park property. The scope of the project includes installing an accessible
non-motorized watercraft launch, a walk-in non-motorized watercraft launch, an
unloading area, and a water trail for non-motorized craft users around Tubbs
Hill. The project will complement the Tom McTevia memorial area planned
in this area. To comment on the project proposal or for further
information, contact Bill Greenwood at the Coeur d’Alene Parks Department at
(208)769-2251 or
BACK STORY He didn’t take a giant leap for
mankind, but Thomas Stevens took a giant spin, becoming the first person to
complete a trip around Earth by bicycle, on this day in 1887. Considering that
71 percent of the planet’s surface is covered with water,
an explanation is in order. Mr. Stevens moved to the United States from England
in the 1870s. He bought his first bicycle, a penny-farthing with one large
wheel, in San Francisco and dreamed of becoming the first person to cross
America on a bicycle.When he felt ready, he donned a jacket that doubled as a
tent and headed for the East Coast on April 22, 1884. He made it to Boston 103 days later.
Plans for a global journey began to take shape. The next spring, Mr. Stevens
started in England and headed east through Europe and the Ottoman Empire.
He continued on to Persia, Afghanistan, India, China
and Japan, before returning to San Francisco. Throughout the trip,
he sent letters to Harper’s Magazine, which were compiled in the best-selling
two-volume book “Around the World on a Bicycle.”
But wait: How did he make it across two oceans? He was a passenger on steam
ships. It is not known if he rode his bike on deck. Victoria Shannon
contributed reporting.