How did we get to this?
Read about it over at Bike Walk Tennessee.
This site hosts discussions and articles on everything ped/bike. The committee will post information on bicycle safety, Safe Routes to School, Rules of the Road, pedestrian access for the disabled, public transportation, the future of pedestrians and bicycles in Coeur d'Alene, and upcoming issues. The site also has links to many sites related to ped/bike issues. Feel free to post comments, questions or suggestions about Coeur d'Alene's pedestrian and bicycle facilities here.
I suspect the issue is abduction. However, I read the article as the police didn't want a young GIRL riding/walking alone, but a BOY would be ok. They didn't say that, but I read it that way. I'm wondering what that says about Tennessee culture. Safety is certainly a priority for any child. Are we ready to 'fall back' to the 50's? Should we?