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Monday, August 30, 2010

Candidate Meets Voters Using His Bike

Robo calls would be great for political campaigns if voters were just robots. Most of us are not. Real people want to say something back, or at least ask a question. That’s why Mike Bullard is using his bicycle to meet voters face-to-face, as many as he can.

A lot of campaigning is drudgery. Raising money, making ads, studying for debates . According to Mike, though, meeting the people face to face is absolutely fun. “It’s crazy. Everyone is different. The old cookie-cutter party affiliations have given way to every household having a different arrangement of issues, and every individual is different. That’s why it is important to meet real people in person.” Mike says that with very few exceptions, the vast majority of people, though upset with politics in general, are extremely cordial and welcoming of his efforts.”

Mike started out walking, but that wasn’t fast enough, so he reached down into his roots for a better way. As a youth he did not have a car through high school or college. Mike traveled by bike, even dating by riding girls on his handlebars. (Not many agreed to that, but they were the best ones). Now, with a little outfitting from one of our great local bike shops, he is rolling through the precincts. So far he has knocked on doors of 2500 voters. Five precincts down, sixteen to go by November. He doesn’t stop at every house, but if you see him, flag him down and ask him why he’s running, or give him a piece of your mind. You can’t do that with a robo call! Or check out mikebullard.org.

1 comment:

  1. Mike is a breath of fresh air in Idaho politics. He's a really nice guy, not afraid to go head-to-head with folks who have differing ideas. I love that he's getting out their on this bike. He's a 'doer' and is running against a nice, yet ineffective woman who hasn't done anything but create a new license plate the whole time she's been in office. Mike will get things done, listen to everyone's opinion, and make good decisions on behalf of all the people of Idaho.
